Saturday, 25 June 2011


In May 1954, students from Chung Cheng High School held a demonstration to protest against National Service. The British had decided that all males between the ages of 18 and 20 were required to register for part-time National Service.
However, the Chinese students felt that it was unfair to them, as they saw no future in the British-ruled state. Some also believed that it was a ploy to use local people to preserve colonial rule. So they disagreed to the decision that the Bristish came to. On May 13, 500 students created havoc in the streets, while another 1,000 students locked themselves in Chung Cheng High School. Over 20 students were injured and 48 were arrested by the police.

On May 18, 55 students formed a delegation to request for exemption from National Service. Their request was turned down by the British. The school authorities decided to close the school two weeks earlier for the school vacation, fearing that there would be further trouble from the students. 2,500 students locked themselves in Chung Cheng High School. The group only dispersed when the police and parents stepped in to intervene.

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